Global College Photo Contest, May 2009
With the hopes of contributing to our Global College community through sharing pictures, a photo contest will be held monthly during the two semesters of the 08/09 academic school year. THIS is the last Photo Contest of the year, so please participate!
April Winner:
-Sophie Kirpan photos from Ecuador are the winners for the Photo Contest in April. Congratulations Sophie! You will receive a $25 gift certificate to in 4-6 weeks to your email. Please visit to see Sophie’s photos, along with all the amazing photos that were submitted for the Photo Contest. You can also share this blog link with friends and family.
-OPEN. But once again, we like seeing pictures of Global College student(s)! Please send us your FOUR favorite photos from this academic year! IT WOULD BE GREAT IF EVERY GLOBAL COLLEGE STUDENT PARTICIPATES IN THIS LAST & FINAL PHOTO CONTEST OF THIS ACADEMIC YEAR!!!!
-Pictures must be emailed to on or before May 29th, 2009. Please only send one email with FOUR pictures.
-The FILE OF the photo must be labeled include the photographer’s name & date of photo.
-One person can submit one to FOUR photos per contest.
-There will be one photo contest per month, during the Fall and Spring semester, for a total of eight photo contest during the 08/09 academic school year.
-Global College students and staff can participate.
-There will be one winner per contest.
-The Global College listserve will be used to announce each monthly photo contest, the contest’s theme and the contest’s deadline.
-Each Global College center will post a flyer to announce each monthly photo contest, the contest’s theme and the contest’s deadline.
-The Global College listserve will be used to announce the winner each month.
-Photos must be in “Jpeg” format.
-Photos must be 200 DPI (Dots per Inch), but preferably 300.
-All contributed photos will be posted on
- Every picture should come with a one sentence description outlining where it was taken and what captivated the photographer to take the picture.
-Photos must be appropriate, so no profanity, nudity or vulgarity.
-Photos must be emailed to on or before the monthly deadlines.
-By submitting photos, the photographer is giving permission for Global College to use the picture(s) to share with the Global College community, for marketing purposes and to be posted on the internet.
-All submitted photos must be from an experience while studying with Global College.
-The photographer of the winning photo will receive a $25 gift certificate to