With the hopes of contributing to our Global College Learning Communities through picture sharing, a second annual monthly photo contest will be held during the 2009-2010 academic year. Global College students and staff can submit up to four photos every month for the contest and all submitted photos will be showcased on a special blog. Even though we are all located in various parts of the world and learning different things, we can see where and what everyone is doing. Please participate!
-The file name of the photo must be labeled including the photographer's name and date the photo was taken. Proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization is required.
-Every picture should be submitted by email to
Susana.Smith@liu.edu on or before each deadline with a one sentence description about the photo's origin and inspiration.
-Photos must be in "Jpeg" format and be 200 dots per inch (DPI); however 300 DPS is preferred.
-Each individual may submit up to four photos per contest and eight photo contests will be held during the academic year. All photos must be from an experience while studying with Global College and must be appropriate containing no profanity, nudity or vulgarity.-Global College students and staff can participate and there will be one winner per contest. Each photo contest along with the theme, deadline and the previous month's winner will be announced via email. -By submitting photos, the photographer is giving permission to Global College to use the picture(s) within the Global College Community, for marketing purposes and on the world wide web.
-All contributed photos will be posted on
-Please address any questions to Susan E Smith and submit up to four photos in a single email to
Susana.Smith@liu.edu on or before September 30th, 2009.