This picture was taken at the Tamalada held at the Costa Rica Center; to me, this picture represents community and the relationships we leave behind in places that we've visited.

Jordyn Sample - 4 Dec 2011 (300 DPI)
This picture is of students at the Tamalada held at the Costa Rica Center; I chose this picture because it shows the connections we have made to others during this year.

Jordyn Sample - 7 March 2011 (300 DPI)
This picture is of a river in Boruca, Costa Rica; this picture was inspired by my reading The Hobbit after which I saw the forest as a magical place.

Jordyn Sample - 5 March 2011 (300 DPI)
This picture is of a bus ride from Boruca, Costa Rica to Buenos Aires, Costa Rica that I took during my 2 week independent study; I took this picture because it represents some of the interesting experiences we are confronted with in our travels of the world.

Jordyn Sample - 3 March 2011 (300 DPI)
This picture is of the Talamanca mountains from a cliff in Boruca, Costa Rica; I liked this picture because the I found the nature extending as far as the eye can see to be inspiring.