"10,000 Monks Charity Event" Chiang Mai, Thailand
What happens when you have 10,000 monks collecting alms, people donating food, and the Thai military present to lend a hand? A HUGE charity event for the monks in southern Thailand. The issue of human rights has existed as long as humans have been around and it affects people in every part of the world. Southern Thailand has a large number of Muslims who do not want to change their ways from being practicing Muslims and, yet, the Thai government says they must if they are going to reside in Thailand. Military action has been brought against the Muslims so some Muslims have started to fight back by hurting and killing monks living near them. The quantity of the food being collected on this day alone will not rid the world of lack of human rights or even Thailand of lack of human rights, but every mouthful counts to lending a hand to those in need.
"Dragons are Extinct" Golden Triangle, Thailand
Although we should have been remorseful knowing that dragons and serpents of this size no longer exist, we could not help but take advantage of such an opportunity to get about half our class on the back of this creature.
"Boundaries" Golden Triangle, Thailand
What do you see? I see trees, water, buildings, land, sky, and clouds. Others see three countries (Burma, Laos, and Thailand), three sets of laws, three living conditions. One's way of life (from birth to death) is completely determined by the human invention of borders and boundaries.
"A Religious Peace" Plikweewek Buddhist Retreat outing near the Burmese border in Thailand
Peace has been sought after for thousands of years. Five of our CRC peers have incorporated what we have learned throughout the semester of comparing several religions, and taken a stand on their version of peace.
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